Submission of Applications for Reappointment
All applications for reappointment (Initial Reviews, Mid-Career Progress Reviews, Career Status Reviews, Diagnostic Reviews and Career Sixth-Year Reviews) and any addendums are submitted to the Faculty Actions Office. The Faculty Actions Office serves as the custodian of these materials and maintains an index of all materials submitted, as well as a log of who accesses them.
The Initial Review for reappointment is submitted to the Faculty Actions Office no later than June 15 of the applicant’s first year of their initial two-year contract. All other applications for reappointment (Mid-Career Progress Reviews, Career Status Reviews, Diagnostic Reviews and Career Sixth-Year Reviews) are submitted to the Faculty Actions Office no later than September 15.
The Faculty Actions Office will provide guidelines for electronic submissions and a sample of how to organize applications for reappointment.
Career Instructional Faculty
Career instructional faculty may maintain subsequent three (3) or five (5) year appointments subject to review but with no opportunity for promotion. The review for career instructional faculty will occur in year two of a three-year cycle and will include a diagnostic review in year two and a career status review in year four of a five-year cycle.
Materials Submitted, including Addendums
The materials to be submitted for Diagnostic Reviews are (Chapter IV, Section H.8a):
a prefatory letter requesting reappointment.
a reflective narrative self-review evaluating the extent of one’s own cumulative professional development and contributions under each qualification for reappointment and/or promotion. The candidate should evaluate whether or not she or he is meeting university standards and personal goals in each area of review. The narrative self-review should address trends in the candidate’s peer and student evaluations as well as how the evaluation was used to improve teaching-learning practices and outcomes, thereby increasing educational effectiveness. Copies of prior annual Professional Development Plans and progress reports and indications of immediate and future plans in each area will be included in this self-review.
a copy of any special-clause contracts with Hawai‘i Pacific University.
copies of syllabi, peer evaluations, and student evaluations of teaching (all evaluations from the preceding three years shall be included).
a current and complete copy of the faculty member’s curriculum vitae.
Materials submitted for Initial, Career Status, and Career Sixth-Year Reviews are described in the Faculty Handbook (Chapter IV, Section H.8b). These materials are:
prefatory letter requesting reappointment.
a reflective narrative self-review evaluating the extent of one’s own cumulative professional development and contributions under each qualification for reappointment and/or promotion. The candidate should evaluate whether or not she or he is meeting university standards and personal goals in each area of review. Copies of prior annual Professional Development Plans and progress reports, and indications of immediate and future plans in each area will be included in this self- review.
a copy of any special-clause contracts with Hawai‘i Pacific University.
a current and complete copy of the faculty member’s curriculum vitae.
a list of all supporting materials grouped under appropriate headings.
teaching documents (must include syllabi, peer evaluations, and student evaluations).
documentation of or tangible products of scholarship, professional development, university service, and community service.
supporting narrative and documents—supporting documents for any claims made in the application relating to teaching, scholarly, and service activities that are reasonably available must accompany the application.
for promotions to professor, external reviews of scholarly activity (see Faculty Handbook, Section IV.H.8.c).
After department-level committee reviews are completed and feed-back letters are sent, the applicant has the opportunity to respond and submit an addendum of additional supporting materials to the Faculty Actions Office. That response shall become a part of the applicant’s review file.
Distribution of Applications for Reappointment
The Faculty Actions Office will distribute applications for reappointment, confidentially, to the appropriate department-level committee and department chair. If, upon receipt of the application for reappointment, the department-level committee or department chair finds that the application lacks requested elements, it will be considered “incomplete.” If this happens, the Faculty Actions Office will inform the applicant. The applicant will be given ten working days to submit any missing materials and will be asked to submit the required information to the Faculty Actions Office. After ten working days have passed, the application is then considered “complete” and any additional materials that were submitted are distributed by the Faculty Actions Office to the appropriate department-level committee and department chair.
The Faculty Actions Office also facilitates any subsequent distribution of the application materials, including reports generated as part of the review process, in keeping with its role as custodian of these materials.
Procedures for Reappointment
The procedures for reappointment of Regular Faculty given in the Faculty Handbook (Chapter IV, Sections E and H) and the Faculty Assembly Bylaws (Article IV Section 2 D.3) are expanded upon here, as appropriate.
Faculty members under review may request or be requested to appear before any committee evaluating their accomplishments. The department chair may attend such meetings during the appearance of the faculty member. At any step in the review process, the applicant may be asked to provide clarifying information. The applicant will be notified of this request, and will have 10 working days to provide such information.
The Regular Faculty of each college may also establish additional procedures, as outlined below, that meet these minimum criteria:
The procedures comply with those outlined in this document, the Faculty Handbook, and the Faculty Assembly Bylaws, as appropriate.
The procedures and any subsequent changes are approved by a majority vote of the regular faculty in the college by January 31 to take effect the following academic year. This vote is held in accordance with the applicable college faculty assembly bylaws. These changes are then submitted to the appropriate dean and to the provost for approval.
The procedures are promptly distributed to the dean and all regular faculty in the college upon approval or modification.
The Faculty Assembly Reappointment and Promotions Appeals Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all additional college procedures to ensure consistency and equity in standards across colleges.
Initial Review, Mid-Career Progress Review, Career Status Review, and Career Sixth-Year Review
The procedures for an Initial Review are given in the Faculty Handbook (Chapter IV, Sections E and H).
The Regular Faculty of each college will also establish what role, if any, program chairs and faculty within the same program or discipline as the applicant, have in an Initial Review.
Diagnostic Review
The procedures for a Diagnostic Review are given in the Faculty Handbook (Chapter IV, Section E) and in section 1.02.01 Third-Year Diagnostic Review of this manual.
Criteria for Reappointment
General descriptions of faculty responsibilities are provided in the Faculty Handbook (Chapter IV, Section C), as well as the specific expectations of each faculty rank (Chapter IV, Section B) and the criteria for Career Status Reviews (Chapter IV, Section G).
Each college and their constituent departments shall also establish specific criteria, as described in the Faculty Handbook (Chapter IV, Section B).
Department Chairs
When a department chair is up for reappointment review, the dean, in consultation with the department faculty, will appoint a senior faculty member in the department to take on the role of chair for the purposes of the reappointment review. The senior faculty member will take on all of the duties of the department chair described in this section, including writing a separate chair’s evaluation as specified in Chapter IV.E of the Faculty Handbook.
Assistant and Associate Deans
As noted in the Faculty Handbook (Chapter IV.A.3), assistant and associate deans do not participate in the reappointment process during the duration of their administrative service. When they return to the faculty, their contract status will resume.
Committee Access to Records (Faculty Handbook, Chapter IV, Section H 8.d)
All committees involved in promotion and review procedures will have access to the full promotion and review record of faculty candidates. Confidentiality requirements, as outlined in 10) below must be rigorously adhered to in reviewing these records. Violations of confidentiality will be sanctioned.
Confidentiality of Review Proceedings and External Evaluations (Faculty Handbook, Chapter IV, Section H 8.e)
No one other than the appropriate academic administrator (such as the department chair or the dean) shall communicate with any review committee on a case under review. Committee members shall not discuss any case under review outside the committee. Violation of confidentiality by persons involved in academic reviews will be regarded by the University as a serious breach of professional ethics, and such persons will be subject to appropriate sanctions (see the HPU Code of Ethical Conduct). However, the dean and the department chair may reveal their own recommendations on the case to the individual being reviewed before the process is complete.
Letters from external referees may be shown to the candidate only after all identifying information has been excised; the referees should be so informed in the letter soliciting their judgments.
Reappointment of Career Instructional Faculty