approved 6 December 2016
Policy -test
The Academic Affairs Policies and Procedures Manual (AAPPM) is a living document that addresses academic affairs policies and procedures, and specific policies and procedures as called for by the Faculty Handbook. It is subordinate to the Faculty Handbook, and to the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws on matters of faculty governance. Like all university policies, these are subject to approval by the President of the University. Additions and revisions shall be made in a spirit of shared governance, with the involvement of the Faculty Senate, Deans Council, and impacted stakeholders.
Proposals for new or revised policies and procedures for inclusion in the AAPPM may originate from any member of the university community, or from the Faculty Senate or Deans Council.
Because academic policy and procedure additions or revisions can have significant impact, it is incumbent upon those proposing change to consult impacted stakeholders during the formulation of policies and procedures. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the Faculty Senate, the Deans Council, and the Provost to ensure that impacted stakeholders are consulted before endorsing academic policy and procedure proposals.
Proposals shall be submitted to either the Faculty Senate or the Deans Council. Both bodies shall review the proposed new or revised policy and procedure.
The Officers of the Faculty Senate and the Provost serve as formal communication channels between the two bodies, with the goal of achieving consensus between them on the proposed new or revised policy and procedure.
The Provost submits the final recommendation to the President for approval. If the bodies are unable to come to consensus, or the Provost recommends an alternative to the consensual recommendation, then the body (or bodies) whose recommendation is (or are) not supported may also make a direct recommendation to the President for approval.
Proposals approved by the President become effective at the beginning of the next academic year, however those that require an earlier application are effective upon approval. Changes to the AAPPM must be communicated to all faculty.